Smart Mom (Louise Crawford) is the author of Only the Blog Knows Brooklyn and a column in the Brooklyn Paper. Every year she compiles a list of The Park Slope 100. This year she included somme of our friends, like Kirsten Marino owner of Slope Sports and Brenda Becker of A Year in the Park.
But look right between Ann Prescott and Mallory Y. Rutledge. . . there we are!
PROSPECT PARK TRACK CLUB because of the Turkey Trot, the Cherry Hill Run and all the other running events you do in and around Prospect Park.
OK, she got the name of the Cherry Tree Race wrong but. . .we got some Love.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
We Got Some Love
Posted by
Prospect Park Track Club
1:02 PM
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
The Turkey Trot Blogisphere...
Hay, It is Whatyoudonotknowbecauseyourarenotme guest blogging for the Prospect Park Track Club. Here is my Turkey Trot Race Report.
Everybody's race results can be found here.
The Runner's World forum is getting long, looks like people had a good time.
We got a shout out out from Brooklyn Running
Guvea told the world in the Brooklynian Forum that he loved the race
Brooklyn Runner gave us some free publicity and even got positive feed back on his site regarding our race.
Curlygirl posted a great race review on Runango Running Forum. Looks like she missed the start! It is OK, lots of people did.
Time Out
Brooklyn Garden Hopeful put the medal on the dog Enzo, cute!
NYMetroParents said “Families can celebrate Thanksgiving watching the Prospect Park Track Club. The Turkey Trot is an annual
One happy finisher published her photos on Flicker. If you scroll around you
can find our ‘Santa”.
Only The Blog Know Brooklyn gave us credit for “almost 2000 runners”. Wow, I guess she counted Live to Run.
Live to Run ran like a bandit, its ok, but I don’t think we ran out of numbers. It is a fundraiser! PPTC will be ok, but you should send Bishop Ford $10. (Sorry, Live to Run, I just found out we did run out of numbers, I hope you had fun)
Alana Taylor said she was gonna run the race, she did not say in her blog if she did. I looked her up, she did!!!
Coyboy Hazel realized that there is no need to grab water during a 5 mile race. I agree.
a Dream had a great time (and took some nice pictures!!)
There is a race report in from a blog in a language that might be Chinese, Japanese, Korean or maybe something else, but there are nice pictures!
Somebody wrote a fictional essay about the New York Road Runners Marathon called the Turkey Trot. Really
A +G had a great time, scroll down a little to see their happy running poses!
My Favorite Run member Watthree mapped our race at 4.95 miles! (he also listed the race in
Citi Coach was proud of their results
The Nike Central Park Track Club congratulates our on son of a member Noah Lansner for getting a PR.
Our own Gil had a very focused race, He stayed "in the moment" for the whole race
And because my blog, had a link to a blog that announced that the Turkey Trot results were up, it came up in my search of Turkey Trot blogs???
It is after Christmas and I found one more CNY found computation where he thought there was none
Posted by
Prospect Park Track Club
9:13 PM