Wednesday, April 6, 2011

2011 PPTC Election Results

This year we had a record nuber of voters:  71 online ballots and 3 paper ballots.  All officer positions were up for re-election and one director position was open.  All officers ran unopposed, while we had 3 candidates for director.  Following are the winners of the 2011 PPTC Board Elections.   Congratulations!  

 President - Tom Meany
 Vice President - Sarah Scott
 Secretary - Anne Perzeszty
 Treasurer - Doug Olney
 Director - Tom Tobin

Ami Hassler, Staci Pierson, Krishna Kumbhar and Michael Ring will be continuing their terms as Board Members.

Special thanks to all candidates including Jason Horowitz and Geoffrey Vincent!  Don't worry Tom Meany said he will find a way for you to stay involved.........