Maggie DesChamps reports that after checking the results of the NYRRC Club Team Champs in Central Park Saturday August 7th PPTC, women placed 11th out of 30 in the open division. PPTC also placed 11th in the masters women division . Congrats to our top 5 women: Helen, Rebecca, Maggie, Julia, and Danielle. Tom Tobin reports that PPTC Men's 50+ team took 14th. Hey beautiful weather for the race as well!

Jason Horowitz and family spending time kayaking and water sports stuff at the Gowanus Boat Club ‘s Coffee Pier location in Red Hook.. Whatever floats your boat Jason!
Tom Byrnes finished 4th in men’s 60-69 at the Smith Point Inaugural Sprint Triathlon Sunday August 8th. Catching the sunrise coming up over the Atlantic was well worth getting up at 345am to dress, eat, and then drive to the race staging area by 530am . So too were the comments from athletes seeing PPTC colors after seeing Tom in his PPTC summer lightweight jacket at the post race awards and gathering .
Sprint triathlons are lots of fun for those who can swim and bike in addition to run. The Smith Point race was 1/3 mile open water bay swim, 20 k -12.4 miles- on the bike, and a 5k run. The clock ticks from when you start the swim and ends when you cross the finish line at the end of the 5k.
A one liner to remember from Michael Ring: “ Ya’ Can't have a bad day on Governors Island .” How about Coney island ?
PPTC’s Deanna ran into Gary Greene second week of August on crutches after a two-week hospital stay for an abscess in his foot. Not sure when he will be back on the track. Here’s hoping that he has a swift recovery.
While out for four on the bike on the inside loop second week of August , whom do I see running barefoot up the zoo hill early evening but Tom Tobin. Almost didn’t recognize him without the running shoes. ”The Sauconys are in the shop….” And, as Tobin recommends , “It helps to run on the white line.”
Tom’s barefooting must’ve helped at the Battle of Brooklyn 10 miler on Sunday August 22nd , check the race results section to see how well PPTC fared.
Hooking up with Zoe Boswick Levine for her ‘’Stairs of Death’’ workout up Lookout ‘’Mountain” Wednesday mornings at 625am at Bartel Pritchard makes mid week running workouts ‘interesting’.
Bobby Fisher rode the two day Farm Ride at Amherst Massachusetts the weekend of August 21-22. 76 miles on Saturday and another 40 plus on Sunday, not a race just a fine ride with BBQs at rest stops and overnites at the UMASS dorms.He put the wraps on August with his 72 mile North Fork Farm Ride Sunday the 29th, starting and ending at Greenport High Sschool. Bobby is quickly becoming the Louie Rios of PPTC cyclists!
Gil Torres’s father passed away late Monday evening August 23rd after a progressive decline from Alzheimer's. Gil reports that fortunately his dad was never in pain and transitioned peacefully to his rest. Gil was with him during his final week and found that caring for him during his illness was a very intimate experience which he’ll treasure forever. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Gil, Irene, Christopher and Keith.
Ron Rice reports that Tommy Hart's Knee Surgery was performed ,
Friday Aug 27th and that he is rested comfortably at St Vincent's Hospital
on Bard Ave in Staten Island . Rehab next but at home or outpatient remains to be seen. It’s hard for Tommy to sit still to heal well so that’s another challenge. Tommy is the race director of the summer 5k series at Fort Hamilton Army base which has provided many PPTCers the opportunity to strut their stuff on Tuesdays during July and August. Heal well Tommy.
The Summer Speed Series was put to bed for the 2010 year but PPTC suggested to Race Director Mike Ring that it might be very interesting to tally overall stats as far as how many races there were this year, how many runners showed up, average temps, weather profile, repeat medal winners, the number of children conceived at post race get togethers, you know, the usual stuff…..
Thanks to Geoff Vincent for coordinating the PPTC events/race calendar and reminding us of all the fall Half Marathons that are looming on the horizon. Pick your pain!
See you on the roads……………………….